Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Lewes Bonfire Preparation Session

see Don's notes under assignments in Bboard

This weeks session will be split into 2 different sessions,

Part 1 
18:00 to 19:30
Firstly we will be doing practical sessions on the Canon D5 familiarising yourself with the camera ready for the Shoot on Tuesday 5th November.

Part 2 
19:30 to 21:00
This will be your final chance to work on your Task 1 assignment the Photojournalism Theory Resource prior to the Deadline on Friday. To hand in your work you can simply email it to the both lecturers Chris: cbeer@centralsussex.ac.uk and Don: dallen@centralsussex.ac.uk 

Part 1
We will look at
  • Basic functions of the D5
Show and tell

White balance exercise

  • Basic Flash

  • Vantage points when taking pictures
Note:  On Tuesday 5th Novemeber Chris will be leaving here for Lewes at 15:29 

More details here on blackboard.
The Cralwey News have said that they want to have photos of the street marches and people having a good time down in Lewes for this very very large event. You need to get into Lewes before 3pm
Good positions
Junction of Albion Street and School Hil
By Barclays Bank at the top of Station Street / High St
The paper are not interested in the fireworks going off
People around the bonfires - check out where the societies are building


  • Creating Custom Settings

Silent mode

Outward times
Option 1 2 3 4
Depart CRW 14:59 CRW 15:29 CRW 15:59 CRW 16:29
Arrive LWS 15:52 LWS 16:22 LWS 16:54 LWS 17:21
Duration 0h 53m 0h 53m 0h 55m 0h 52m
Changes 2 2 2 2

Read more at http://www.thetrainline.com/buytickets/combinedmatrix.aspx?Command=TimeTable#3dUtc3xI8F7UlgsY.99
Outward times
Option 1 2 3 4
Depart CRW 14:59 CRW 15:29 CRW 15:59 CRW 16:29
Arrive LWS 15:52 LWS 16:22 LWS 16:54 LWS 17:21
Duration 0h 53m 0h 53m 0h 55m 0h 52m
Changes 2 2 2 2

Read more at http://www.thetrainline.com/buytickets/combinedmatrix.aspx?Command=TimeTable#3dUtc3xI8F7UlgsY.99
  • Equipment

Please Email the technician before Tuesday 5th to book equipment for the shoot. list everything you need and email mediatechnician@centralsussex.ac.uk

Wrap up warm and by some gloves

  • Follow up
You can view the items below to assist with our preparation for this session.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Email from Dave Comeau

Hi Don. I just thought I’d throw a list of upcoming events your way and see if any of the students want to cover them. Also, just a reminder that the students should “Like” our Facebook page to keep an eye on when their pics go online.

Saturday, October 19: Crawley Black History event at The Hawth 7.30pm

Saturday, October 19: Big Draw event. Autumnal art sessions at Tilgate Nature Centre midday to 4pm

Monday, October 21: Pink Zumba party at The Charis Centre from 6:45pm to 8:15pm

Saturday, November 2: Halloween party and camp fear in East Grinstead. There will be live music, fancy dress competitions and people will try to survive a night camping in a field with people terrorising them in horror costumes throughout the night

Tuesday, November 6: Disco and club night for disabled children and young people at The Hawth Studio 6.30-9.30pm

Sunday, November 17: Sponsored toddler walk in Tilgate Park. 11am

I’ll send more when we have them but all of these are things which we would use in the paper as well as the website, if the pics are good enough, so plenty of opportunity to get some pics published.

Best wishes,

1.1 Analyse examples of photojournalism within a commercial context

·        readership profile;

·        type, eg newspaper, magazine, tabloid, broadsheet, lifestyle,

·        news values;

Pressing the Reset Button



type of photograph required,
eg assignment-led photographs, spot
news photographs, general news photographs, feature pictures, portraits, mug shots, action shots, photo stories, illustrations, concept photographs, product photographs, celebrity pictures, incongruous and humorous shots;


Monday, 7 October 2013

Saturday class this week in London CANCELLED

The planned event at 11:00 in Trafalgar Square this Saturday 12 October is to be postponed until another Saturday this term due to staff sickness. The Thursday evening class will continue as normal. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Photojournalism legal and regulatory context


Regulation Links 
PCC Code of Practice

Leveson & The French Experience

Leveson & The French Experience item options
Hide Details
The Laws in France concerning photographers' and journalists' rights to carry out their duties whilst balancing the individuals' rights to privacy offer a different angle on what might be expected to be the shakedown from Leveson.

The official home of UK Legislation
Example David Miranda detention

Copyright links
Protect authorship