Email David a selection of images that you have taken for him to comment of which would and which would not go into the Paper
Bring in a copy of a local newspaper
18:00 to 18:30
Do 2.2 task for students that were not in last week
In pairs you will be give one of headings to research for 20 mins
- Work for hire agreement
- First rights, one time rights
- Percentage for subsequent sales
- Exclusive rights
You will feedback your findings to the group and together you will discuss and note down your analysis on these terms. It is important that you all contribute to the discussion and the whole session will be recorded to take down your opinions.
18:30 to 19:00
Peer feedback discussion on points from 2.2 (10mins)
Aims and objectives
Aim is to: Assess the editorial factors that can influence the work of photojournalists
- Research from your paper and online elements that a similar in local news paper images
- Discuss rules that are common as well as review news values from previous sessions
- Formulate a set of rules for local news photojournalism
- Check the agreed set of rules with a professionals editorial judgement (David)
- Apply these rules to your own work and undergo and editorial process on your images
Drawing on online research, viewing local newspapers and input from Lecture - consider Audience / Newsworthiness / Value to story / Importance of story / Space as factors that can influence whether an image goes in or is rejected for publication
Discuss rules that are common as well as review news values from previous sessions
Discussion Notes
Discuss rules that are common as well as review news values from previous sessions
Discussion Notes
19:30 to 20:00
Formulate a list of factors and look at previous decisions, look at articles in the Argus / Crawley News
This will come from -
Research to identify various criteria / guidelines made available online and then distill these guidelines down into a '5 things your photo must do in order to get into the paper' crib-sheet
Research to identify various criteria / guidelines made available online and then distill these guidelines down into a '5 things your photo must do in order to get into the paper' crib-sheet
Check this list against the the feedback from Dave Comeau also see doing it like a pro
Apply factors to a set of images
With photos taken by the group members - use the criteria / factors to evaluate whether the image would be likely to be published or not
20:00 to 21:00 (Don only)
Review Blackboard Resources that help to explore the camera settings and techniques to illustrate the theme 'Speed'
High speed camera session ready for Trip on Saturday - which may involve going outdoors.
Meet at 11:00 here and another exhibition.
Then finally here
Then finally here
Depart from being a group at 2.30/3.00 pm and make own way home
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